Saturday, September 25, 2010
Terrific Twos
I am so blessed by my life. Granted, it has it's hardships and there are some days where I don't think I'll even survive past lunch due to sleep deprivation or sibling rivalry, but overall, it is a joy to be alive. I wake up every morning to my 3 year old's face 2 inches away from my face (between the wretched hour of 4am-5am), saying "Mommy, is it morning yet?" Despite my response to that question, or my best efforts to ignore such a sweet face and go back to sleep, it is time to get up. A few hours later, Little Miss Chubby Cheeks and the Handsomest Prince in the world awaken to the smell of Dunkin Donuts Coffee and then the day has officially begun. We send Drew off to work like an official "goodbye committee" with hugs and kisses and waves and "bye daddy" over and over until we not longer see his car anymore. Our days are filled with laughter and fun as we play the day away and await Drew's arrival home from work. Some of the days include Tristan's Karate Lessons, Park Playdates, Shopping Trips, Moms Group at Church, or even just pajama home days filled with puzzles, block towers and art projects. Well, now I am off to enjoy another day with my beautiful little family ...